Are uPVC Windows More Cost Effective Than Aluminium?

With a proven track record of excellence, Coral Windows has earned a top rating on Trustmark, Which? Trusted Trader, Feefo and Checkatrade. Our double glazing installations are built to last, and we are proud to be trusted by households across Yorkshire and beyond. At Coral, our goal is to provide homeowners with home improvements that fit their style, budget and individual needs. From a beautiful new conservatory to a stunning set of windows, Coral Windows has you covered.

We understand that savvy homeowners in the modern age are looking for effective home improvements that don’t break the bank. That’s why we provide a range of home improvement options, and shed light on the many available products in the industry that might be perfect for your home. We are proud to provide home improvements that aren’t just built to last, but look great while doing it. 

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When it comes to replacing your windows, the modern home improvement industry has a lot of options available. This can make it difficult to know what to look for when selecting your new windows. With many framing options, including timber, uPVC and aluminium, it can be difficult to know what option to choose for your home. Let’s go over one of the most common questions we get surrounding window frames – are uPVC windows more cost effective than aluminium ones? Let’s take a closer look. 

Why Choose uPVC Windows?

uPVC windows are an excellent choice for homeowners looking for high-quality windows, with advanced weatherproofing and security. uPVC windows are incredibly durable and offer better insulation in comparison to single-glazed alternatives, making them a great choice for energy efficiency. If you’re looking to update your home with new energy-saving windows, uPVC frames could be a smart choice for your wallet. 

uPVC windows are also low maintenance and require no painting or staining, making them an ideal choice for homeowners who don’t want to worry about regular upkeep. These windows also resist fading in direct sunlight, so there is little risk of them fading in colour over time. This makes them perfect for the modern busy homeowner, who wants their windows to look great for years to come. 

uPVC windows also provide extra sound insulation, which is great for those who live in noisy areas and need more peace and quiet inside their homes. Along with being available in a vast range of different colours and styles, this durable material allows for relatively easy installation, making these windows a great choice for any home improvement project.

uPVC Windows huddersfield

Why Choose Aluminium Windows?

Aluminium windows are becoming an increasingly popular choice on today;s home improvement market. If you’re looking for sleek, stylish windows that are also durable and long-lasting, aluminium windows could be a perfect choice. These windows are built to be resistant to all kinds of weather, providing excellent protection against the elements. They are also resistant to corrosion, meaning they won’t require frequent maintenance to keep performing their best. Most modern aluminium window options come with a durable powder coating that makes sure their colour lasts for years to come. 

Aluminium windows are also incredibly energy efficient, working to prevent heat transfer to the outside- keeping your energy bills nice and low. These windows help to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, reducing your heating costs. Aluminium windows are available in a range of styles, colours and finishes. This makes aluminium windows an ideal choice for both traditional and modern homes. 

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Are uPVC Windows More Cost Effective?

When thinking about what type of windows to install, cost is a major consideration. uPVC windows offer the most cost effective option, as they are the most economical to manufacture and usually have the best warranty and energy efficiency rating when compared to aluminium windows. However, what window you’re looking for depends on a number of factors, including style, maintenance needs and location, so it’s best to discuss what you’re looking for with a window install team you trust. 

Contact Coral Today. 

Looking for a bespoke range of both uPVC and aluminium windows? Coral can help. We offer windows with advanced weatherproofing, security and thermal efficiency- sure to make a statement in any home. To get started today, give our friendly team a call on 0800 0581777, or chat to us in person at one of our showrooms. We look forward to hearing from you!

Categories: Advice